2022 GI SIG Meeting

06 December 2022 12:0013:00 (1 hour)



  1. Review of current status of previous proposed actions for GI group (D.T/O.H) (10 mins)

  2. Review of current GI service pressures and opportunities for improvement in YIC Trusts (all to comment) (10 mins)

  3. EI performance and feedback for AGFA (DT lead, all to comment) (10 mins)

  4. Discussion; exploring threats and opportunities of common working practices in YIC GI imaging, (DT lead, all to comment) (25 mins)

    a. Develop themes

    b. Look at current obstacles to enabling change, across disciplines,

    c. Define potential benefits

  5. A.O.B

  6. Dates/Actions for next meeting



Damian Tolan, Debra Punshon, Oliver Hough, Jo Housley, David Stockell, Adam Culverwell, Catherine Roberts, Jonathan McConnell

Key Discussion Points

  • Discussion around change in departments and how easy/difficult it is to facilitate. Helpful if have the ability to say “this is what the region is doing”. Challenges to rolling out change include cross site working/multiple scanners
  • Discussion around current pressures-capacity and demand being the most common
  • Use of YIC as a place to share common practices and prevent repeat scanning by sharing CT/MRI protocols
  • Agfa EI- functionality issues