Autumn Chest Group Meeting

28 September 2021 14:0015:00 (1 hour)


This is what will be discussed in the meeting:

  • Actions from Previous Meeting (19 May 21)
  • Radiographer Reporting Training
  • YIC Update & Sharing Solution Roll Out, including HRCT Scanning Protocol and Unification of Chest Scanning Protocols
  • YIC Pricing Matrix
  • Any Other Business



Hesh Panditaratne, James Farrah, Scott Raine, Rachel Hunter, Lisa Leatham, Nadia Jawad, Keiley Somers, Amanuel Tsegu, Lisa Field, Katy Liddle, Nal Panditaratne, Alan White, Hilary Moss, Mark Kon, Amy Richards, Bobby Bhartia


  1. Trusts to provide Radiologist and Radiographer competencies [closed]
  2. Teams to feedback kernel and filter data for CT protocols [closed]
  3. To contact with expressions of interests to form the radiographer reporting group, anticipating a meeting in December [new for members]
  4. To set up a December meeting to look into/agree minimum data sets for scanning protocols - representatives from each Trusts required [new for Helen Jeffrey]
  5. To send Trust reporting alert systems to, to then be accessed on the YIC website [new for members]

Key Discussion Points

  • Some Trusts radiographer competencies had been received. It was agreed to form a small group to rationalise competenies and produce a radiographer YIC document.
  • There was discussion around if there was a need to rationalise scanning protocols, but it was agreed that the group should strive to producing minimum data sets for scanning protocols for the ease of collaborative reporting and so patients receive the same imaging standards in every Trust.
  • A supporting radiologist group for reporting radiographers needs to be identified as this is a helpful function within outsourcing companies. Hesh agreed to approach the MSK SIG to see what they do.
  • The pricing matrix was now live on the YIC website ( The special interest groups have the ability to raise if they thought a price was set incorrectly, which would then be taken up to the Transformation Board.
  • It was raised that payment by accession numbers may be a better option to avoid the multiparts issue.