Autumn Paediatric Group Meeting
12 October 2021 10:15 — 11:15 (1 hour)
This is what we are going to discuss in this meeting
- Actions
- YIC Update
- CT Protocols
- YIC Paeds Priotities
Louise Hattingh, Dan Fascia, Kirsty Buckley, Jenny Walsh, Jenien Naylor, Kate Kingston, Helen Woodley
- Circulate review LTHT Fluoro Protocols [closed]
- Members to send Trust scoliosis protocols to [new for members]
- Members to send Trust Neuro Protocols to [new for members]
Key Discussion Points
Dan Fascia attended to give an update from YIC:
- Intelerad moving on, with MYHT and CHFT now linked
- Additional work also taking place in terms of the regional pricing matrix
- Central team is expanding - radiographer lead appointed and radiographer delivery manager now in post
- Website is continuously evolving and will be the platform where protocols are published
- It was confirmed that links can be added to the wesbite that are not specifically a YIC protocol/document
CT Protocols
Standardised CT protocols is something that the group would want published on the YIC website. It was agreed to touch base with Helen Woodley from LTHT to see what we could agree on and publish as regional protocols on the YIC website.
YIC Paeds Priorities
- Scoliosos Protocols
- Jenny Walsh agreed to take the lead on neuro pathways, to produce minimum data sets for GA.
- Ultra Strong mangnets- new guidance had been shared. There was confusion on how strictly the guidance needed to be followed. Helen agreed to check this with Imran.
- Bone age imaging- regional variation. could be potential to address this within YIC?
Post-Mortem Imaging
It was agreed that for children, skeletal surveys were carried out if requested by the coroner, but brain imaging is not carried out.
For sudden death, there is no standarised protocol.