Spring Cardiovascular Group Meeting
14 May 2021 15:00 — 16:00 (1 hour)
This is what we are going to discuss in this meeting
- Introduction to YIC as a new SIG Group
- BSTI guidelines and recommendations on reporting coronary and aortic valve calcification
- Training Opportunities for Juniors
Annette Johnstone, Hesh Panditaratne, Mark Kon, Imran Sunderji, Vivek Shrivastava, Claire Exley, Ruth Clarke, Matt Balerdi, Scott Stuart, Owen Bebb
- There were no actions raised. The SIG will be required to prioritise work to focus on in future meetings, prior to the sharing solution going live.
Key Discussion Points
- The purpose of the Cardiovascular SIG was was for subject matter experts to decide and agree what to focus on as a collaborative.
- Dr Annette Johnstones volunteered to take on the role as chairperson for the SIG.
- There was agreement that aortic valve calcification hadn’t routinely been implemented across the collaborative, and a consensus of using the guidelines was required.
- It was raised that TAVI CT scans and reporting takes longer to do. Trusts were modifying NICE guidelines to adapt to capacity and their out of hours CT service. There was opportunity to work on this as a collaborative.