Spring Chest Group Meeting

19 May 2021 14:0015:00 (1 hour)


This is what we are going to discuss in this meeting

  • Trust COVID Updates
  • Intelerad Sharing Solution
  • Trainees



Heshan Panditaratne, Mark Kon, Philip Marjoram, Kay Hibbert, Hilary Moss, Nadia Jawad, Annette Johnstone, Amanuel Tsegu, Claire Exley, Lisa Field, Nalinda Panditaratne, Jude Snell, Keiley Somers


  1. Upload helpful chest related resources to the Trello Board. YIC website will now be the platform for documents. [closed]
  2. Information regarding radiographer and radiologist validation. [ongoing for ANHST, HUTHT, HDFT, MYHT, YTHFT]
  3. Kernal & Filter data required for Chest CT Protocols [ongoing for HDFT, NLAG, YTHFT]
  4. Produce a briefing paper to outline the ask of Trusts for supporting trainees [new for Annette Johnstone]
  5. Feedback teaching structure in Trusts for trainees, and willingness to teach going forward [new for ALL to Annette Johnstone]

Key Discussion Points

  • Trusts had fewer Covid patients, but were seeing sick younger patients and patients presenting long COVID.
  • Increase in delayed cancer diagnoses and larger numbers of outpatient referrals
  • Some Trusts were struggling with reporting all insource work and were exploring AI with outsourcing companies - company would identify normal (double report) and abnormal chest X-rays. If abnormal, image transfers back to the Trust to report on.
  • An update was provided regarding the Intelerad sharing solution, with HDFT being rolles out first and then another Trust every month after that.
  • There was lack of clarity on who would teach the new trainees next year, with some teams having no capacity, and the issue of sub-specialty training once trainees reach this level. There was an ask of Trusts to provide what they currently teach and what they would be willing to teach.