Spring Chest Group Meeting
19 May 2021 14:00 — 15:00 (1 hour)
This is what we are going to discuss in this meeting
- Trust COVID Updates
- Intelerad Sharing Solution
- Trainees
Heshan Panditaratne, Mark Kon, Philip Marjoram, Kay Hibbert, Hilary Moss, Nadia Jawad, Annette Johnstone, Amanuel Tsegu, Claire Exley, Lisa Field, Nalinda Panditaratne, Jude Snell, Keiley Somers
- Upload helpful chest related resources to the Trello Board. YIC website will now be the platform for documents. [closed]
- Information regarding radiographer and radiologist validation. [ongoing for ANHST, HUTHT, HDFT, MYHT, YTHFT]
- Kernal & Filter data required for Chest CT Protocols [ongoing for HDFT, NLAG, YTHFT]
- Produce a briefing paper to outline the ask of Trusts for supporting trainees [new for Annette Johnstone]
- Feedback teaching structure in Trusts for trainees, and willingness to teach going forward [new for ALL to Annette Johnstone]
Key Discussion Points
- Trusts had fewer Covid patients, but were seeing sick younger patients and patients presenting long COVID.
- Increase in delayed cancer diagnoses and larger numbers of outpatient referrals
- Some Trusts were struggling with reporting all insource work and were exploring AI with outsourcing companies - company would identify normal (double report) and abnormal chest X-rays. If abnormal, image transfers back to the Trust to report on.
- An update was provided regarding the Intelerad sharing solution, with HDFT being rolles out first and then another Trust every month after that.
- There was lack of clarity on who would teach the new trainees next year, with some teams having no capacity, and the issue of sub-specialty training once trainees reach this level. There was an ask of Trusts to provide what they currently teach and what they would be willing to teach.