Summer Obs & Gynae Group Meeting

05 July 2022 14:0015:30 (1 hour, 30 minutes)


  • Gynae Audit - MRI Findings
  • GP Referral Criteria
  • MRI Protocols
  • CT Protocols



Alison McGuinness, Paula Marsh, Ujani Reid, Sacha Pierre, Janet Underwood, Karen Lomas, Ann Brown, Corinna Hauff, Olive Hough, Joanna Housley, Debra Punshon


  1. Circulate final version of the terms of reference [closed]
  2. Trusts to bring their CT/MRI protocols to the next meeting [closed]
  3. MYHT and HUTHT to circulate their GP referral criteria [closed]
  4. Trusts to confirm their peer review process by sending to [ongoing for members]
  5. To produce minimum requirements for peer audit review [ongoing for PMs]
  6. To look into how patients can get follow up scans done locally [new for PMs]
  7. To look at MYHTs GP referral criteria protocol and the possibility of using ICE to refer and reject patients [new for PMs]

Key Discussion Points

Gynae Audit - MRI Findings

  • Dr Ujani Reid presented her findings from a 6 month gynae audit on MRI imaging and what examinations were being carried out at each Trust to diagnose gynaecological cancers (cervical and endometrial)

Presentation will be added

  • RCR and ESUR protocols were quite similar, however agreeing standardised regional protocols would provide best practice for patients
  • For each Trust, an audit was taken of ESUR protocols and basic sequence protocols used for patients who were being examined - most Trusts carry out the basic sequence protocols as a minimum.
  • DWI wasn’t carried out in the majority of Trusts, but was worth carrying out as diffusion would identify if something was borderline or malignant
  • There was the opportunity to carry out an MR audit for ovarian cancer.

The group discussed how patients can have their follow up scans done locally instead - YIC agreed to follow this up.

GP Referral Criteria

  • BTHFT had created a document showing what should and shouldn’t be referred, with justification. When vetting, standard phrases were copied into the rejection. BTHFT were now working to communicate this with GPs.
  • MYHT were working with GPs throughout producing their criteria - their system was using the ICE referral route, so that it doesn’t reach radiology via CRIS. If a GP tried to refer a patient where a referral wasn’t required, ICE would notify the GP that this was not justified and show them guidance.
  • Teams felt that this was a good system to allow them not to have to vet referrals - this could be standardised across the region.

Any Other Business

  • Paula Marsh was stepping down as chairperson for the Gynae side of the SIG.
  • This was a great opportunity for somebody to take over as chair, and lead the SIG to standardising regional protocols and pathways, and sharing best practice.
  • If any members are interested in taking on the role as chair, please contact