Winter Neuro Head & Neck Group Meeting

23 November 2021 09:3011:30 (2 hours)


This is what we are going to discuss in this meeting

  • Operational Updates
  • YIC Update
  • Expectations of EI



Elizabeth Loney, Helen Cliffe, Stuart Viner, Richard List, Rachael Kay, Shishir Karthik, Nal Panditaratne, Bharti Rathi, Shalini Nandish


  1. Orbital Protocols to be circulated [new for Elizabeth Loney]
  2. To raise Trust formal agreements/support to the Transformation Board [new for Stuart Viner]

Key Discussion Points

  • Trusts had a large outpatient backlog and cancer diagnosis had become a major priority. LTHT have started to roll out ‘screening’ neck US lists, reducing wasted biopsy slots.
  • Elizabeth & Shalini are working through orbit protocols based on a recent ESHNR lecture by Burce Ozgen. There is a suggestion to try a T1 CISS sequence pre and post contrast for neural enhancement.
  • Most Trusts had implemented the updated PACS system and XERO, meaning data can be pulled using XERO rather than IEP. Next steps are finalising the implementation of the shared reporting solution.
  • Radiology departments will soon start to receive homeworking stations to support additional work.
  • The group suggested that a formal agreement was required for second opinions and to assist with EI. Stuart would raise this a the Transformation Board.