2023 Winter MSK Group Meeting

25 January 2023 12:0013:00 (1 hour)



  1. MRI Spine Protocols

  2. Any Pathways to be standardised

  3. MSK related audits

  4. Interesting Cases

  5. Educational Tool/ Shared Learning

  6. AOB



James Baren, Jo Housley, Pankaj Nagtode, Dan Fascia, Conrad Nel, Joanna Bates, Martin Hampshire, Lisa Field, Ne-Siang Chew, Gillian Barber


From previous meeting, Sarcoma guidelines agreed and to be uploaded

MRI Spine Protocols

Further discussion about minimum standard for basic spine imaging. Decision is that STIR imaging will not be mandatory but protocol to include a minimum slice thickness or range of slice thickness.

Discussion around imaging of Spondyloarthropathy- different protocols across the region, all include imaging of the whole spine and SI joints, YIC to help publish a basic suggested protocol.

MSK CT Protocols

PN/ (Mid Yorks) to send to JB their CT document with all required MSK reconstructions

Scoliosis Imaging

JB to share Leeds protocols as a reference document


DF informed the group members of upcoming YIC funded AI seed fund, with opening of applications towards the end of Feb

Future Meetings

Introduction of more educational and audit based content. Encourage trainees to bring interesting cases to present


Discussion around imaging pathways for hip and scaphoid fractures. Differences across the region in accessibility/access to CT/MRI